Love Thy Neighbour as Thyself and do unto others as you would have done to you. This is our greatest command.
The promised Book
of Revelation 20:12.
The Book of True Life.
There will be signs and wonders in the sun, moon and stars.
New eBook coming soon.
Music to feed the Soul.
The sound vibrations we hear affect our mood and overall well-being. Here are a collection of songs with deep spiritual meanings. As we listen to the words, our consciences will realise that we collectively need to change. As I listen to the Black Eyed Peas song, Where is the love?, I ask how much more suffering must pass until we collectively work together to help each other and make this world peaceful for all of humanity, regardless of wealth, race or religious beliefs. Every child matters and every adult matters. Life is precious and every living being has the potential to bring good to the world if they are all equally given a chance to live. The love of money is the root of all evil. Money itself can bring about amazing change to the lives of all if shared from the top down!